Massage For All Horses
Benefits of Massage for Your Horse

The Therapeutic Effects of Massage Can Benefit Horses of All Ages,Breeds and Disciplines.
It Can Provide Relief and Recovery from a Wide Variety of Mild, Acute and Chronic Conditions.
Massage Therapy Helps to Restore the Normal Functions of the Soft Tissue in the Equine Body.
Equine Massage:
Reduces Muscle Tension
Prevents Stiffness
Improves Athletic Performance
Soothes Aching Muscles in Older Horses
Increases Circulation in the Body
Flushes Out Toxins and Lactic Acid
Stimulates the Release of Endorphins
Promotes Relaxation
Reduces the Formation of Scar Tissue
Increases Flexibility, Joint Mobility and Range of Motion
" In riding a horse, we borrow freedom "
- Helen Thomson